- Books that fall apart in my hands. I love second-hand books and sharing books with others, but its a real pain to have to juggle with a book I'm reading because it keeps falling into bits. I also become afraid to read it in the bath lest the page seperate and drop into the water below.
- Over-dramatic heroines. You know, the sort of ones that coldn't even tie their own shoelaces. The kind that aren't well-charaterised, but simply exist to be the romantic element of the story whom the hero can save or destroy without a by or leave.
- Preachy books. Ones that don't let you up your own mind, but instead have a strong moral that the author is determined to get across.
- Being told that I have too many books. HOW CAN YOU HAVE TOO MANY BOOKS???????!!!!!
- People whom I give bookcrossing books to in person, explain the concept to, and yet they never journal anything!
- Movies that are not accurate to the books. Yes, I can understand slight changes for dramatic license, but missing whole parts of eve changing the plot completely!
- Books that are hard to read. I don't mean those written in complex language, I mean those that my eyes just cannot focus on. These can be on bad-quality paper or just too small writing. I want to read for a long time, I don't want to have to stop a book I'm enjoying just because my eyes got tired!
- Books that are virtually fascimiles of an earlier published story, especially if they are not credited as an inspiration. Surely that's cheating?!
- Feeling pressured to read a book. Whilst I do join in with rings, rays and review copies I mainly read for my own pleasure. I don't want to feel that I have to read a certain book. Luckily, this rarely happens as I usually want to read what's comes through my letterbox.
- Having to do other things apart from reading, writing, blogging (and the occassional music activity).
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Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Bookish Pet Peeves
Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Bookish Pet Peeves
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