My bookcrossing name is abigailann
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RABCKs (random acts of bookcrossing kindness)
I accept RABCKs and try to thank bookcrossers for them on the bookcrossing forums, my PM and/or on this blog. If the RABCK of a book is from the publisher or author (and I know this) I will mention it upon logging the arrival and when undertaking subsequent reviews. I sometimes give christmas and/or birthday presents to RABCKers (usually books, homemade bookmarks or wings)
When I send out RABCKs they are usually surprise ones, so please make sure your wishlists are up to date. I tend to only send to those in the UK, although I may make exceptions to this rule.
Rings and Rays
I enjoy taking part in rings and rays, although I can't afford to send outside the UK usually. I used to keep a list of those that I'd signed up to, but this got too hard so now I just check that I haven't already got the book when someone PMs me. For this reason it is useful to PM me before sending out a ring/ray book even if you already have my address.
Wild releasing
I enjoy 'releasing books into the wild' for others to find. This is my most common method of passing on books to others. If you don't want a book you give me to be passed on in this way please let me know.