Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: August Random Reads

Saturday, 16 August 2014

August Random Reads

My random read this month was number 226 out off 258 books on my 'I Want to Read' shelves (a combination of TBR and books I want to re-read).

The winner is:

The World of Poo by Terry Pratchett

I'm quite please with this as its one of the few discworld books that I haven't got round to reading yet. It been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to read it when I get to the relevant part of Snuff in which its mentioned. Unfortunately, as my discworld readingt in order has slowed down this would have taken a while.

From Goodreads:

A Discworld picture book. At six o'clock every day, without fail, with no excuses, Sam Vimes must go home to read 'The World of Poo', with all the appropriate noises, to his little boy.  A picturebook that picks up a story from 'Snuff!', the brand new Discworld novel.

What are you reading this August?

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