Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: The Heaven Shop by Deborah Ellis (A Review)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The Heaven Shop by Deborah Ellis (A Review)

The blurb:
There is a lion in our village and it is carryin away our children. Binti was the child star of a popular radio programme in Malawi. She believed she was special, but now she is nothing. Now she is just another AIDS orphan. But Binto Phiri is not about to give up. If she and her brother and sister are to be together, Binti will have to look outside herself and find a new way to be special.

My review:
A lovely charming books dealing sensitively with a difficult issue. I really felt connected with Binti and wanted to see how things would turn out for her and her family. The only thing that I think could have improved this book would have been if the negative conceptions had been challenged even more. I'd definatly recommend this book for teens and adults alike.

Action Readers' Point: Find out more about AIDS and how if affects your local community.

Discussion point: Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation? Can you share any advice for others who might be in a similar situation?
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