Today commemorate a specific reader or moment in your blogging career that has made a significant difference in your IRL or blogging life. It might be that first comment you ever received, the first follower, the first interaction with a reader of your blog on Twitter, the first time an author commented on a review, etc.
For me it has to be the moment I felt I finally had some sort of online relationship with an author. Heidi , author and fellow blogger, sent me a copy of her book Ambasadora for review. After I posted it she linked up to it and commented on my own blog. I series of e-mails followed, accumulating in an interview and thankyou for giving away a copy of her book. I really felt that my blogging activities were being valued and that I was truly helping out a talented new author.
The result? I was even more keen to accept independent authors for review, do giveaways and try my best to interact with other bloggers. Plus, it gave me a great confidence boost. So, thanks Heidi!