Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: Caught in The Winds by L.D. Wenzel (A Review)

Monday, 22 August 2011

Caught in The Winds by L.D. Wenzel (A Review)

From the blurb:
Try though he might, Morrie Schiller just doesn't fit into the Christian college scene. The girl he loves sees him as only a 'brother', and he's in the crossfire as conservatives rage against the school with extremist religious views. Add to the mix, he's rankled by unasked for longings to become a Roman Catholic. He feels alone, 'caught', as postmodern winds toss him about like an autumn leaf.
Enter Jack Joplin, a mysterious stranger, who lures him into embracing a spurious philosophy, promising to 'transcend' religious conventionality. Morrie is catapulted into Faust-like adventures that go beyond his wildest dreams.
Time was when Morrie only wanted to meet a nice Christian girl and settle down as an ordinary evangelical. However the Socratic dictum: 'Know Thyself' seems to be his sacred calling. Spiritual maturity comes only by passing through the refiner's fire.

My review:

A tale of three parts full of philosophical and moral ideas to challenge the Christian mind. I really enjoyed the discourse that this book took about a wide-range of issues. Although sometimes reading like a university text-book, it was worth perceivering with for the pure inventiveness and originality.

I think that this story could possibly have been told over three individual books, since the sections were so different in style. In places the descriptions were unecessary to the plot, in others I would have liked to know more of the character's feelings. Having said that, I did truly feel for the main character.

I'm glad that I got a chance to read this book annd am hoping to get a chance to read the sequel sometime in the future.

Book source: This book was sent to me by the author in return for an honest review

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