Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: Saturday 9: Abigail's Last Stand

Saturday 31 December 2011

Saturday 9: Abigail's Last Stand

Hosted by Saturday 9

1. Over all, how do you feel about what happened in your life in 2011?
It's been a year of ups and downs for me. Luckily though things have got gradually better as the year has gone on, leaving me feeling OK

2. Do you do New Year's resolutions? If so, what are they this year?
Every year I make a resolution not to have any, and then change my mind and make some at the last minute. This year I've made 3:

  1. To read the bible more often
  2. To lose at least some weight by the end of the year
  3. To get my study sorted and usable for relaxation, reading and writing
3. In the past 24 hours, I have reconnected with 3 old friends that I've not spoken to in years. If you could reconnect with someone from your past who would it be, and why?
One of my friends from university (Nell)- we lost touch soon after university and I've wished I still had contact with her ever since

4. Do you have anything that you would have not done or done differently in 2011 as you look back?

Probably, but isn't it better to look forward than back

5. Going back to my ex-friends that I reconnected with, one of them ended over a boyfriend. She called to apologize. Do you have someone that you fell out with you and wonder how they are?
See question 3

6. If you had a chance to reconnect with an ex (say for coffee), who would it be, and why?

I don't think I'd want to

7. One of resolutions is about weight-loss. Have you ever struggled with your diet?
Yep, and its one of mine as well

8. What do you think was the top news story of 2011?
The marriage of Prince William

9. What are your plans for (New Year's Eve) tonight?
I'm going to spend it with family and friends, mixed with a bit of reading as well
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