Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble (A Review)

Friday 30 December 2011

The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble (A Review)

The Blurb
NEW BEGINNINGS A glass of wine, a gossip and a good book- The Reading Group is born. CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE Its members are as different as the books they read, But each woman has secret hopes and fears- for a new lover; a straying husband; an ailing mother; a tearaway teenager- and each woman finds laughter and support in the group's monthly meetings. HAPPY ENDING A warm, funny, touchhing novel about a group of women learning to read between  the lines....
My review:
 It started off slowly, but by the end of the book I really felt a part of the story. I wanted to know what was going to happen with the characters, to help them with thhe difficulties in their lives and to chat with them in the reading group. Having read the books they did was useful for some chapters, for others it didn't seem to matter at all. I think the best way to read this book would be chapter by chapter, reading each of the books they studied just before their featured section. I've never been in a reading group, but this was exactly as I imagined they would be, and almost like a soap opera at the same time.

I read this book as part of a bookcrossing spiral

Action Readers point: Do something extra to help you share and explore the books you read. Maybe you could join a reading group, post more discussions on your blog (or start a reading blog), or chat on goodreads. Maybe you could pass a book along to your friends when you've finished with it, or bookcross it so that others can share.

Talking point: What forms of communication do you use to discuss books  with others
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