Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: Tour Stop: Infraction by Annie Oldham (Review & Guest Post)

Friday, 9 November 2012

Tour Stop: Infraction by Annie Oldham (Review & Guest Post)

YA Dystopian
Title: Infraction (Sequel to The Burn)
Author: Annie Oldham
Date Published: 11/1/12

Violent nomads. The coming winter. Jack's unspoken feelings. Leaving the relative peace of the settlement is more difficult than Terra ever imagined. But what she should fear most is the government that professes to protect its citizens. Imprisoned in a labor camp, Terra learns just how much the corrupt regime wants absolute control. Never has she felt more powerless to act. But there's always the call of the ocean, and her captors just might underestimate how powerful that call can be.

My review:
Despite being billed as a sequel this book sits very well as a standalone story.
It grabbed me right from the beginning, throwing me into the action. As it progressed I found my heart pounding and was unable to stop reading. I read this book in 3 sittings and, if I hadn't had prior commitments, I could have quite easily read it in one.
The characters were well-thought out and had real depth. I loved the way that we didn't know everything about them from the start (although maybe this wouldn't have been the case had I already read 'The Burn') and learnt more about their past as the story went on. This mirrored very well the way that they learnt about each other.
The world in which the story was set was complex and intriguing. Every character seemed to have a different experience of this very 3D place. As each setting was described it was easy to pick up the tension in the air and to imagine the drama that must have got before.
I really loved 'Infraction' and am now looking forward to going back and reading 'The Burn'. I just hope that it can live up to its sequel.
 I reviewed this book as part of RABT Tours. I agreed to provide an honest review in exchange for a copy of this book. 

Action Reader's Action:  
Spend some time thinking about your perfect world. How can you make the real world more like it? Don't just think- act!

What's more important to you: freedom or safety?

And now I'd like to welcome Annie Oldham to 'The Story Factory Reading Zone'.  Annie Oldham adores writing and reading YA novels. She grew up in a house full of books and developed an insatiable desire to read, which led to the insatiable desire to write. Away from her writing, she's the mother of the three most adorable girls in the world, has the best husband in the world, and lives in the hottest place in the world (not really, but Phoenix sure feels like it). She loves to cook, sing, and play the piano. She is the author of Infraction, The Burn, Bound, and Dragon Sister.

Twitter: @annie_oldham


When I first started writing, I was under some crazy presumption that writing should be a natural extension of reading (which I loved to do). Then I actually got to the end of my first manuscript and came to a shocking conclusion: writing is hard work and it isn't glamorous. Here are five things you should know if you're just starting out:

Write. I know, you're saying, “Duh.” But guess what? The hardest part of writing is actually making yourself do it. So many people tell me, “I've always wanted to write a book...” You'll never be a writer if you don't write. Don't worry about beauty and perfection. Just get the words out.

Being a writer is hard work. It can be aggravating, painful, and isolating. One of the biggest hurdles is commitment. I know writers who have a daily word quota. That doesn't work for me. Some days the words flow; other days, the words are slower than tar. So I have a daily time quota If you're working full-time, have a family, etc., that could be as small as ten minutes or a half hour. As long as you write and do it consistently.

Have your dreams, but remember reality. I'm an indie author, and I love the path I've chosen. Do I dream about being a NYT Bestseller? Sure, but do I need that to feel fulfilled as a writer? Nope, not at all. Just remember that no matter if you're an indie author or traditionally published, being a best seller is a rarity compared to the thousands upon thousands of books published every year. Have your dreams—we all need them—but remember that your life won't end if you don't sell x number of books or make x number of dollars. Your life won't end if you don't contract with a big six publishing house. There are so many options for publishing these days. Just find the one that works for you.

Read. Read. Read. It helps you stay in touch with your chosen genre. It also helps you discover what works and what doesn't. Now that I'm four published books into my writing career, it's amazing how I read not only for enjoyment, but with an editor's eye of what I really like in a book and what drives me up the wall. You can't write in a vacuum, and reading helps improve your own work.

Don't beat yourself up. Writers (myself included) are dripping with self-doubt. I never talked to a writer that had enough confidence to say, “Yup, that book I just wrote? Every single person who reads it is going to be in awe.” It doesn't happen. There will always be someone (and most likely lots of someones) who doesn't like your work. That's okay. You've got to have a thick skin to be a writer. Take criticism where it's given and always try to improve your craft. Your best novel should always be ahead of you.

Purchase Links 

Thankyou Annie.
Now, a question for you guys out there:

Writers, what would your top 5 tips be?

Readers, what do you think is most important to make a good book?

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