Zi71bFS9nQHnivtvUJquhejTHIQ The Story Factory Reading Zone: J is for Jasper Fforde

Wednesday 11 April 2012

J is for Jasper Fforde

Welcome to the crazy world of Jasper Fforde

Swindon BookCrossing Unconvention 2010- my first big BC event. I was looking at what was going to happen and became rather puzzled by the mention of a Jasper Fforde tour of Swindon. I'd never heard of this man and there didn't appear to be a clear description available of his books.

St Helen's Church 2011- I'm waiting in an extremly long queue to get 2 books signed by Jasper Fforde. My knees are knocking and I'm trying to work out what I'm going to say. As usual when confronted by someone I really want to meet, I get rather tongue-tied. Still, I come away happ, with 2 signed books and a postcard hugged close to my body. The wait had been worth it.

So how did this change come about? And why do I now feel it worthwhile to collect all of Jasper Fforde's books? This is the short post where I tell you!

It all started just before the forementioned unconvention. Having heard that Jasper Fforde would be the main speaker (and seen all the hype his name was creating amongst the future attendees) I decided I better read some of his work. So I joined a Bookcrossing ring and read the first book. Talk about Wow! It reminded me a little of my favourite author Terry Pratchett. It was funny, insightful and telling about today's society. Yet somehow it remained quite light reading. I also liked the way the whole world was based around books.

When th convention arrived I was absolutely enthralled with what the 'Thursday Next' author had to say. His talk was hilarious, entertaining, spellbinding and REALLY made want to read his books. I also discovered that there was a whole other series of books I'd never heard of by him- The Nursery Crime series.

And so I set about reading my way through all his books. And, as is my practise with those I consider great authors, collecting them as well. Each book seemed funnier than the last. And I loved the way the Bookworld developed and gained a life of its own. I also fell in love with the idea of a modern-day fairytale world- a mishmash which has both led me to love programmes such as 'Once Upon A Time', an made me consider reading who-dunnit type stories for the first time.

I was thrilled when Jasper Fforde came to my town. He was promoting his first children's book at the time and I grabbed it with both hands (great as ever,  btw). By this point I was keen on telling others about his writing, but I had no idea howto describe his style. Jasper Fforde gave us some advice on this which I follow to this day- "don't try to describe my books, just tell them to read them".

And that's my advice to you. Don't bother trying to work out what Jasper Fforde's books are like, just get hold of one of them and read. I'm sure you will enjoy!

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